Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thought Slaves

Thought Slavery

If “You are what you think” is the latest and the oldest philosophy you have ever heard, Stop! Sit down some where. Close your eyes. And now be honest and tell yourself …how many of your thoughts are original? What I mean is, which are the thoughts that were really created by you? Not borrowed from some one else. May it be on anything and any topic? Think….think…..try finding out only one thought……that was not influenced by any one else in anyway!

Have you found one yet? ……..quite impossible isn't it? Rather if you have found one such very original thought that was ever conceived by you and you only and is delivered in to this universe……….congratulations…….you are not a “thought slave”!

I am sure if you are doing this you would've found out by now…………..none of the most of your thoughts are yours! Of all the thoughts that you think you are thinking are just some one else’s thoughts passed on to you……..over years….

The moment a child is born and by the time his/her brain starts developing its cognitive abilities……….he is already prone to listening to people discussing their thoughts in many different ways on many different things.  There is no other way. Even though I am not a certainly qualified person to talk about the science and social behavioral patterns of human beings, that mold the brains and characters of an individual in the society, I am curious enough to think about how these have built us as particular individuals that we are today. Simply because we were exposed to things that forced us to believe in what we agreed as true and false, right and wrong, good or bad ….and so on. 

Obviously most of these recognition are not original but are the lessons taught by our elders to believe it so……..they are not even our experiences……..its theirs or probably not even theirs but their forefathers and the predecessor’s!

I know….I know…what else could you have done but be there and done that? Nothing. There was and is a certain age till when all your thinking is carefully drafted and instilled by your parents, relatives, teachers and other societal beings around. The fears, the happiness, the sorrows and the cause-effect analysis of doing something because it was told to be done so………but for how long?

At the adolescent age obviously the brain which has also been growing along …..Starts its own magic! Suddenly it starts questioning the right and wrong! The god and bad! And the so called “just do it” starts feeling like an unacceptable domination by elders! That’s exactly when you start thinking your original thoughts! Yeah… around 14-16 when you become an indecent child, disobedient student, etc as they say…..which is a proof that your brain has started thinking on its own!
Phew….some parents might hate me for this……..but this is the truth…….until then, all kids are “parental thoughts slaves”………”societal thought slaves”!

Very well. What’s my point here then? How many of us have let that part of the brain nourish that started questioning and analyzing? How many of us have used it till certain age and how many more of  us have completely killed it once we started recognizing ourselves as elders and part of the society?

Millions of us. At one point, which differs with each individual in life………we stopped being original or we kept on accumulating others thoughts and ideologies as our own. First, at the school, then at the public gatherings, thirdly by the influence of talks that we held with our surrounding circumstances. Every one around convinced us “He said that, she said that……this is considered good ….this is bad……this is the faith…..this is the ultimate truth……and everything else is foolish, stupid, and unreasonable ……and hence unacceptable!”…Wow ! And most of us have not really bothered to question any of these thought dumping into our brains.

There was never a class on “How to think and how to create your original thoughts”!.......all that we did in the name of education is to collect the facts of what was the experiences of that generation……and how they have completely believed that it works best for them!

It was simply passed on… being passed on………we feel so much chained to come out and think is it true at all? Are their thoughts mine too? Do I have the same experiences? Even if I can identify my every thought with theirs, am I bound by any certain rules for “not to change my thoughts with time and experiences”?

There are two things that govern human behaviors always …….one,  the profit that they get out of doing certain acts and the other the fear of experiencing something undesirable if you did not follow what was told to you…………………yes , absolutely nothing else drives anyone to do any action. It is only the “benefit” or the “fear”.

Have you one day, sat calmly some where and let all your thoughts about the issues that concern your life to analyse how true are your instilled perceptions and how it affects your life , if you were not to follow those?

Some of us may have done that in different ways but have we done that without attaching any benefits or fears to the consequences of our actions? Hell no…….we always feared……we always thought that it is a safe bet to follow some one else and be happy rather than take risk and hit the arrow in the dark. …………….thought slavery started. We are the slaves of someone else’s thoughts and some one else’s experiences! We don’t even jump an ant if someone said that it was wrong! Just because he/she thought so! Just because they said so……..where is the originality? Where is the novelty? Where is the “I am what I think” concept? Where am I even thinking on my own?

Here is where…..all of us thought slaves ….are endlessly stuck and fighting based on racial, communal, religious, political, social and scientific  random preaching of some one with limited minds , limited experiences and limited rationality convinced a huge lot of humans to agree with him/her. We kill each other because some one doesn't  like some one else……we start yelling and humiliating each other because some one some day had his reservations about food habits, dressing sense, social behaviors and music /dance and all other things…….

How blindly and happily we agree to be their thought slaves……..without ever questioning anything using our brain and so called rationality.  How insanely we can get argumentative about what is right and what is wrong for some one to behave in society in a particular manner. And how irrationally we attach all these communally created etiquette to our religions and fight over how some one else should behave and not us!

This is just another “bonded labour system” …… have pledged your brains and soul to some one who has convinced you that he is more capable to decide your life than yourself! Alas, no law or no other human can come and de chain you from this slavery. It’s just you……and you alone can stand up to be original and be the master of your entire life!

So get up, wake up and realize that you are not what some one else thought you should be…….and not what you could be.

All it takes is a moment of your life to pull down these chains and inspire yourself to be the most powerful master of your own life. Love your thoughts and you will become what you think………by being yourself!